Dressage Training: Inside Leg to Outside Rein-- Unpopular Opinion 😱
Ok, I’m going to jump on my soap box for a hot minute. Unpopular opinion here: inside leg to outside rein is not the gospel, magic...
Dressage Training: Inside Leg to Outside Rein-- Unpopular Opinion 😱
Dressage Showing Collective Remarks: Rider Position
Collective Remarks: Impulsion = Energy and Carrying Power! 💪
Dressage Levels Explained: Training Level
There Was A Crooked Horse... Goals for a Straight and Sound Dressage Horse
How to track your horse’s progress– tips for photographing your horse
Relaxation in Dressage Horse, Rhythm v. Relaxation: The chicken or the egg?
Train and Restore Workshop -- Masterson Method and Equine Posture
Riding Position Checklist
One More Time!